If you are recovering from an injury caused by an auto accident, you might be entitled to compensation in addition to what your insurance company initially offers for your medical costs.
Did you know that personal injury can go beyond physical damage? You can suffer mental distress after an auto accident as well. Then there’s financial hardship; how much work did you miss due to doctor’s appointments and recovery time?
In fact, you might be able to receive a settlement to help with other losses such as:
- Lost wages.
- Additional medical bills.
- Domestic help while you’re incapacitated.
- Emotional distress.
- Pain and suffering.
- Loss of quality of life.
Expert Guidance
When you’ve been in a car accident, you have a lot on your mind. Aside from any emotional turmoil and stress, you have to deal with your injuries, damage to your vehicle, handling your claim, and any other issues.
Lawyers can help you deal with the process of your claim and reduce your stress in the process. The following information will help you determine whether hiring an attorney is the right choice for you.
Injury Settlements
Car accidents often lead to injuries ranging from whiplash and other soft tissue injuries to more serious, and even fatal injuries. Usually, liability for a car accident is fairly clear and one-sided, and an injured party has the right to be compensated by the at-fault driver. In this section, you’ll find legal information on the personal injury claims that often follow a car accident.
Insurance Claims
If you are injured as a result of an accident, you need to get the proper medical care right away. If you delay, it can be harder to prove your injuries resulted from the car accident.
Your payment for care will depend on the coverage of your policy. If you are not at fault, your bills will be paid for by the other driver’s liability coverage. If you live in a no-fault state, however, you can seek payment from your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage to get your bills without the delay of negotiation between companies.
Evanston Automotive Accident Lawyer’s
Hiring a personal injury attorney to represent you after a car accident means you will have a professional working for you — one who is extremely knowledgeable about the relevant laws and procedural rules that may affect your case.
An attorney can advise you of any time limits (called statutes of limitations) that can operate to bar you from filing a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. For instance, in many states you must file your lawsuit within two years of your car accident or be forever prohibited from filing your lawsuit. An attorney will also be able to inform you about any special exceptions to the statute of limitations — for minors, for example.